City of West Sacramento
Home MenuCarpools and Park & Rides
Carpools & Vanpools
Carpools and vanpools can save you money and reduce green house gas emissions when compared to driving alone. For more information about creating or joining a car or vanpool and available incentives, please use the links provided below.
Rideshare Database
The Sacramento Region's 511 system allows you to find an existing pool or members to start a new car or vanpool.
Vanpool Incentives
You may qualify for vanpool incentives. Click here for more information about available incentives in the Sacramento region. Please note that some employers provide vanpool incentives.
You can earn money for biking, carpooling, riding public transit, and walking to work if your employer is part of YoloCommute. The Rideshare Incentive Program is designed to reward commuters who try other means of commuting than the single occupant vehicle (SOV) and by changing daily commute habits. To learn more about YoloCommute, please visit:
Park & RidesCaltrans operates two park and ride lots in West Sacramento on Enterprise Drive at the Interstate 80 interchange. The lot located on the northwest corner of the interchange provides 123 parking spaces and the lot located on the southwest corner of the interchange provides an additional 84 spaces for a total of 207 spaces.
For more information about lots in West Sacramento and surrounding areas, please use the sources below.